diumenge, 5 de novembre del 2017


El divendres 27 d'octubre vàrem iniciar els ambients els grups de segon. Hem començat amb moltes ganes els ambients de "BLA,BLA,BLA..., ARTILAND, DITETS i ARQUITECTES". 
Ens ho esteim passant genial i aprenen moltíssimes coses!

Toñi Adrover de Slidely by Slidely Slideshow

dissabte, 4 de novembre del 2017


Serena  visited us last week with her fabulous theatre. Some children have became actors for one day and they did it very, very good!. They could talk in english and understood almost everything. We enjoyed a lot and we had a great time. 
Congratulations kids, you did a very good job!